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by Charles Abroad

Damo - editace
first name:*

jméno musíš vyplnit!
last name:*
příjmení musíš vyplnit!
student number:*
(you can find it on your ISIC card below the photo, and it's also the number you use to log into CAS)
číslo studenta musíš vyplnit!
contact email*
(will not be published)
e-mail musíš vyplnit!
fakultu musíš vyplnit!
field of study:*
obor studia musíš vyplnit!
academic year:*
rok výjezdu musíš vyplnit
language of study*
jazyk studia musíš vyplnit
program musíš vyplnit
type of stay*
druh výjezdu musíš vyplnit
vyplňují studenti, kteří byli na studijním pobytu:
Country of the study abroad program:
Stát musíš vyplnit
City of the study abroad program: *
Město musíš vyplnit
University of the study abroad program: *
Organizaci musíš vyplnit
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vyplňují studenti, kteří byli na praktické stáži:
Country of the study abroad program: *:
Stát musíš vyplnit
City of the study abroad program: *
Město musíš vyplnit
University/company of the traineeship: *
Organizaci musíš vyplnit
1. generally about the university/organization
What comes to your mind first when you think of your "adoptive" university or organization where you did your internship? What made it unique? What did the spaces in which you studied/worked look like and what was their equipment?
Toto pole je povinné!
2. studium a přístup ke studentům*
Study stays: How did the study methods at the foreign university differ (e.g., different organization of the semester, different exam methods, different course management, etc.)? Did the approach of teachers and administration to students differ in any way?
Internships: What position do interns/students have in the organization? How did the organization representatives approach you? Would you recommend this place to other interns?
Toto pole je povinné!
3. life at the university - study stays only
What does life at the university look like? Are there any student associations? Are there elective subjects available that introduce the language and culture of the host country? Does the university organize leisure activities for its students?
Toto pole je povinné!
4. language requirements
Did you communicate in English or in the host country's language? What language requirements does the university have?
Toto pole je povinné!
point evaluation*
Toto pole je povinné!
5. How did the city affect you?*
How would you characterize it (busy, calm, student-oriented, cosmopolitan...)? What is interesting to see here? What were your favorite places? Please try to expand on your answer.
Toto pole je povinné!
point evaluation*
Toto pole je povinné!
Toto pole je povinné!

point evaluation
Toto pole je povinné!
6. How to get by with a scholarship?*
Based on your experience, how to get by in the city with a scholarship? How much of your expenses did it cover? What is your opinion on prices in the country in general?
7. How to save money?
Please advise your classmates on how to save money - Where to shop? What services can be used to save money?
point evaluation*
8. What kind of accommodation did you choose?*
Would you recommend it to others? If not, what type of accommodation do you think is the best based on your experience (dormitory, private apartment, private dormitory, shared room, etc.)?
Do you have a photo of the dormitory accommodation?
9. Language and culture
Toto pole je povinné!
Toto pole je povinné!
What cultural differences did you notice? How did you deal with the national language? Was it also the language of your study? Do you feel like you've made progress in the language thanks
10. Transportation and traveling
Did you take advantage of your stay to travel around your country/nearby countries? What are your best travel experiences? What do you not recommend?
11. Why specifically here?
What makes the university and location exceptional? Why would you send your friends to "your" country/city and this university?
Toto pole je povinné!
12. If I were to go again, I definitely wouldn't forget to pack...
13. Before leaving, I would have liked to know that...
14. The hardest thing for me was...
15. I was most surprised by...
Future generations will appreciate your visual documentation. Can you dig up some photos from your stay in your archive?
introductory photo
This photo will be used as the introductory photo for your final report

additional photos - up to 10
Please select the tags that describe your stay*:
please select at least one tag!
You can publish your message anonymously (under a first name or nickname), or add your name and contact information so that other students can reach out to you if necessary.
How do you decide?
Your message is published anonymously.
Your message is published as anonymous. You can publish your contact and thus be available to students who need advice.
Your message is published with contact information
our message is published including the contacts you have filled in below. Here you can fill in additional contacts, edit them, or completely anonymize the message.
profilový obrázek
profile picture
will be displayed along with your report
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