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Atefeh Bagherianziarat





Faculty of Social Sciences

rok výjezdu:




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rok výjezdu:

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Faculty of Social Sciences


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Frije University Amsterdam

praktická stáž

studijní pobyt

Jak Atefeh hodnotí svůj pobyt?


průměrné hodnocení je 4 z 5


průměrné hodnocení je 4 z 5


průměrné hodnocení je 3 z 5

finanční náročnost

průměrné hodnocení je 1 z 5

o univerzitě

Čím byla tvá univerzita výjimečná? Jak vypadaly prostory ve kterých jsi studoval(a) a univerzitní vybavení? 
The opportunity presented by Frjie University Amsterdam enabled me to interact with scholars and researchers from diverse cultural backgrounds, thereby facilitating the enhancement of my communication skills. Additionally, collaborating with highly knowledgeable scholars who shared similar interests provided me with the valuable opportunity to broaden and update my knowledge.
Co tě první napadne, když pomyslíš na svou "adoptivní" univerzitu. Čím byla výjimečná? Jak vypadaly prostory ve kterých jsi studoval(a) a univerzitní vybavení? 
I was welcomed as a research guest at Frjie University Amsterdam, and the university provided valuable support in obtaining permission to utilize their facilities and facilitating my settlement in the city. The professors exhibited openness and willingness to share their experiences and insights, which greatly enriched my internship experience. I highly recommend other interns to seize the opportunity of undertaking their internships at Frjie University Amsterdam.

Jak vypadá studentský život na univerzitě? 
The university extended an invitation for me to participate in an informative event specifically designed to assist newcomers, including research guests and trainees, in acquiring the essential information needed to settle comfortably in the city and make full use of the university's facilities.

Studoval(a) jsi v angličtině, nebo v jazyce hostitelské země? Jaké požadavky jsou v oblasti jazyka kladeny univerzitou? 
I could easily accomplish my traineeship in English.

o městě

Jak na tebe město působilo? Jak byste jej charakterizoval/a? Co je zde zajímavého k vidění?
Amsterdam, renowned for its cosmopolitan vibe, provides abundant chances to connect with individuals from all around the globe. While the city buzzes with activity, there are peaceful corners to cherish moments of personal pleasure. Additionally, Amsterdam's contemporary infrastructure and efficient layout make navigating the city a smooth affair. However, securing affordable accommodation remains a notable hurdle. On a positive note, utilizing bicycles for getting around can be a budget-friendly option. Notably, Amsterdam's museums are captivating and offer a wealth of fascinating and educational experiences.

o financích

Jak lze podle Tvojí zkušenosti vyjít se stipendiem? Kolik procent výdajů Vám pokrylo? Jaký je Váš názor na ceny v zemi obecně?
Accommodation in Amsterdam comes with a high price tag. As a result, my scholarship only covered the expenses related to housing, leaving me responsible for funding my remaining cost of living from my personal finances.

Poraď prosím spolužákům, jak ušetřit - Kde nakupovat? Jaké služby lze v rámci úspory financí využívat? 
When it comes to accommodation, utilizing informal student groups on platforms like Facebook is often the most effective way to find shared housing options. As for transportation, the preferred and most convenient choice is using bicycles.

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o ubytování

Jaké ubytování sis zvolil(a)? Doporučil(a) bys jej ostatním? A pokud ne, jaká varianta ubytování je podle Tvých zkušeností nejlepší (kolej, ubytování v soukromém bytě, soukromá kolej, sdílený pokoj a podobně...)?
Planning well in advance provides a greater opportunity to secure affordable accommodation in dormitories. However, if you haven't made prior arrangements, you will need to manage it independently. In such cases, finding a shared flat or room remains the best option.

o zážitcích

Využil(a) jsi Erasmu k cestování po tvé zemi/Evropě? Jaké jsou tvoje nejlepší cestovatelské zážitky? Co naopak nedoporučuješ?
Being in the Netherlands provides you with the opportunity to easily travel to neighboring countries such as Belgium, Germany, France, and the UK. I had the chance to visit Belgium myself and highly recommend this experience to others.
Transportation within the country is incredibly convenient, thanks to the accessibility of public transportation to every destination. However, it is important to note that the cost of transportation can be quite high. I recommend obtaining a public transportation card with discounts and avoiding travel during peak hours to minimize expenses.

Jazyk a kultura: jakých kulturních odlišností jste si všiml/a? Jak jste se vypořádával/a s národním jazykem? Byl to i jazyk vašeho studia? Máte pocit, že jste se v jazyce díky pobytu posunul/a?
I could easily accomplish my traineeship in English.

závěrečné hodnocení

Proč právě sem?  V čem je lokalita výjimečná? Proč bys své kamarády do své země/ města poslal/a ty?
Amsterdam, and the Netherlands in general, is a captivating place to immerse oneself in a multicultural environment where you can engage with diverse people, partake in vibrant events, explore unique products, and savor delicious foods. Frije University Amsterdam adds to this allure with its exceptional research atmosphere. The university is renowned for its inclusive and friendly environment, fostering a sense of collaboration and knowledge sharing among scholars. The research community at Frije University Amsterdam thrives on innovation, creating an inspiring atmosphere that encourages intellectual growth and meaningful contributions to the academic field.

live-saving tips

Kdybych jel(a) znovu, určitě bych si nezapomněl(a) zabalit..
Umbrella, light jackets,
king charles-03_edited_edited.png
Před odjezdem bych býval(a) rád(a) věděl(a), že...
I have a proper accommodation
Nejvíc mě překvapilo, že...
the price of accommodation and public transportation
Nejtěžší pro mě bylo....
finding an affordable accommodation


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