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Maria Sole Brigati
Maria Sole
Faculty of Social Sciences
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Maria Sole
Faculty of Social Sciences
Risk Intelligence
praktická stáž
studijní pobyt
Jak Maria Sole hodnotí svůj pobyt?
finanční náročnost
o univerzitě
Čím byla tvá univerzita výjimečná? Jak vypadaly prostory ve kterých jsi studoval(a) a univerzitní vybavení?
I loved everything about the organisation I worked in. I felt welcomed and I quickly became part of the team and of the danish colture. I have been valued and understood from the first moment and I was given specific tasks which matched with my personal interests and academic background.
The space was open and we could all interact during the day. The equipment was appropriate for the work.
Co tě první napadne, když pomyslíš na svou "adoptivní" univerzitu. Čím byla výjimečná? Jak vypadaly prostory ve kterých jsi studoval(a) a univerzitní vybavení?
I was a Security Analyst Intern, which matched with my interests and ambitions. I was consiedered equal to others and that was a great feeling. I had, working wise, a learn-by-doing approach. I was asked to be autonoums and I was free to manage the task in the way I preferred. However, I was also supervised and assisted in every situation. It has been my first working experience, therefore it was different compared to my other previous academic experiences. I would definitly recommend the company to other people.
Jak vypadá studentský život na univerzitě?
Studoval(a) jsi v angličtině, nebo v jazyce hostitelské země? Jaké požadavky jsou v oblasti jazyka kladeny univerzitou?
I communicated in English the whole time.

o městě
Jak na tebe město působilo? Jak byste jej charakterizoval/a? Co je zde zajímavého k vidění?
The city positively surprised me under every aspect. Copenhagen is civilian, calm yet dynamic, safe and people-focused. The northern European culture was a surprise, but not a shock. Danes are open and welcoming, always concerned about tour safety and your feeling. Moreover, there is not any language barrier: everyone speaks English fluently, regardless their age.
The city has a lot to offer. Personally, I preferred it starting from April, when the season started getting better. My favourite place is called Reffen, it is a open-sky international market close to the sea.
o financích
Jak lze podle Tvojí zkušenosti vyjít se stipendiem? Kolik procent výdajů Vám pokrylo? Jaký je Váš názor na ceny v zemi obecně?
Denmark is a very expensive country and with the internship I got I was able to pay only half of the rent. However, it was not a suprirse and I knew it would have been a sort of investment which I do not regret I did.
Poraď prosím spolužákům, jak ušetřit - Kde nakupovat? Jaké služby lze v rámci úspory financí využívat?
I would recommend to do a public transport card as soon as you get there, you will save money on the transports. Moreover, supermarkets have very different prices: choose big chains, such as Netto, which are a little cheaper.
o ubytování
Jaké ubytování sis zvolil(a)? Doporučil(a) bys jej ostatním? A pokud ne, jaká varianta ubytování je podle Tvých zkušeností nejlepší (kolej, ubytování v soukromém bytě, soukromá kolej, sdílený pokoj a podobně...)?
I lived a shared flat, which I believe was the best option. We where 7 in a very centered apartement. Even if it sounds like a lot of people, I enjoyed everything in the house becasue everyone had his/her own room and the common spaces were very big.
o zážitcích
Využil(a) jsi Erasmu k cestování po tvé zemi/Evropě? Jaké jsou tvoje nejlepší cestovatelské zážitky? Co naopak nedoporučuješ?
I only went to Sweden once, in Malmo. I did not like the city very much.
For the rest of the time I focused on discovering Copenhagen.
Jazyk a kultura: jakých kulturních odlišností jste si všiml/a? Jak jste se vypořádával/a s národním jazykem? Byl to i jazyk vašeho studia? Máte pocit, že jste se v jazyce díky pobytu posunul/a?
I communicated in English the whole time.
závěrečné hodnocení
Proč právě sem? V čem je lokalita výjimečná? Proč bys své kamarády do své země/ města poslal/a ty?
Because I loved Denmark, the culture and people. It is an exceptional country and I cannot wait to be back in the future.
live-saving tips
Kdybych jel(a) znovu, určitě bych si nezapomněl(a) zabalit..
Very warm clothes.

Před odjezdem bych býval(a) rád(a) věděl(a), že...
Danmark is not boring.
Nejvíc mě překvapilo, že...
The culture there.

Nejtěžší pro mě bylo....
Working and studying at the same time.
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